Rossland Arts Centre is the Bottle Bin host 12:00. Welcome to the online community program guide for Rossland. com. Upcoming Events. . 2nd Annual WK Alpine Lakes Fishing Survey- BC Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Step 1: Access a West Kootenay Alpine Lake Step 2: Go Fishing Step 3: Fill out our Survey:. VIEW FULL EVENT CALENDAR ». Feed. HOME | Flux Climbing. Rossland has had not only a chronic housing shortage but also suffers from a chronic shortage of service workers. WONDERHEADS: The Wilds - Performing Arts Trail March 5 7:30 to 9:00 pm. Salon Kula. (1 comments) 20" Trek Roscoe Youth Bike for 5-7 yr Old $375. Lunch and Dinner Menus Prepared From Scratch. Town: Rossland, BC. Electric Fencing Workshop - Saturday June 10th from 10-11:30 am - Free - Registration Limited was commented on by Ann Damude. Composting 101 - Free Workshop June 4th @930 - Rossland Community Garden. view only: classifieds | discussions. Classifieds. The Museum is open year-round! Regular Hours - Tuesdays to Saturdays - 10 am to 5 pm. Columbia Basin Culture Tour Saturday July 29 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday July 30 10:00 am to 5:00 pm . Submitted by Piper on Tue, 08/03/2022 - 1:43pm. Saturday, July 1st from 11 am to 9 pm. Young Naturalists is a nature-based program tailored to life in our Kootenay Community. 2023 BCBHA Alpine Lake Fishing Survey. It's that simple. Handpicked Rossland Events. Body Positive Bollywood with Karima Essa at the Teck Family Series February 11 3:00 to 4:00 pm. Handpicked Rossland Events . Enter your keywords: Advertise here. Visit participating stores to enjoy sales, discounts, specials and holiday festivities! Meet local shop owners and enjoy a night on the town with your girlfriends, sisters and moms!. Kids Chess Club at the Rossland Library. Price range up to $500,000. Peony Show, Castlegar, BC June 16-18 FREE TODAY - Friday June 16 2:00 to 7:00 pm. Looking for ride from Red / Rossland to Spokane airport on Monday 30th Jan was commented on by Olivia katherine. Sunday: 11 - 3. view only: classifieds | discussions. We cannot get Shaw internet at the house we are renting, due to its location. Premier Eby wants ‘rapid solution’. Town: Rossland, BC » Register or login to reply via e-mail » Report abuse, harassment or publication of personal information in this post or its comments. GONE – thanks Bhubble. The High Bar Gang - Performing Arts Trail February 10 7:30 to 9:30 pm. Today: Saturday, December 31, 2022. com. ISO house sitter July 28-aug 7 was posted by Alexandria Baxter. Thursdays 4pm-8pm ~~~~~ Fridays 4pm-8pm. Yesterday: Wednesday, July 19, 2023. com. . ROSSLAND $250,000 was commented on by jorge. Offering 14 Craft Beer Taps. Monday Closed. Feed. Last chess club day! We will be doing a tournament with some fun prizes for our last day!We moved to Rossland in June, 2022. Home » Classifieds. Starting in December 2018, The Rossland Arena will open the 3rd Avenue doors during all facility hours (when an operator is onsite) to allow for an additional safe access point to the facility. Open House at the Rossland Ambulance Station. Alerts: Public Safety. view only: classifieds | discussions. . com. (2 comments) Exterior door was commented on by Geothermal Possible to see it tomorow?. . e. If that's you, click here to find out more information about how Bhubble can enhance your community. The primary driver for these upgrades is to allow for necessary space for the upcoming Organics Diversion project. Posted earlier in various areas; check Rossland News for photo of the guy they are looking for . Mondays to Saturdays Jun 1 to Jul 1 12:00 am to 12:00 pm . The pitbull attacked mine and I had to pull them apart while the women yelled insults at me. 00 per ticket, 50/50 draw every Friday $1. Price Drop! 2018 Radwagon E-Cargo BIke with original 26" wheels was commented on. Contact Bhubble Administration. (1 comments). Rossland Arts Centre is the Bottle Bin host. 39 0. Selkirk Heating and Cooling. Bear Aware Event. Discussions was posted by Stan Bowcock. 2023 BCBHA Alpine Lake Fishing Survey. Contact Bhubble Administration | Advertise | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Land Acknowledgment | Advertise | Terms. It's not perfect but it's workable most of the time. $20 a ticket with only 1000 tickets being sold. view details ». . Rossland Museum Regular Hours & Locals' Late Night Wednesdays Mar 1 to May 17 10:00 am to 7:00 pmThursdays May 18 to Aug 10 5:30 to 6:15 pm. Ballet Jörgen’s Anne of Green Gables – The Ballet® - Performing Arts Trail February 27 7:00 to 9:15 pm. 2023 BCBHA Alpine Lake Fishing Survey Mondays to Saturdays Jun 1 to Jul 1 12:00 am to 12:00 pm . Rossvegas Boardshop. Rossland taxpayers ask mayor, councillor to resign was commented on by Iamabum Just the current mayor and. Fall Tea and Bazaar October 14 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Young Naturalists at the Museum TODAY - Tuesdays,. Calendar of Events April 2023: May 2023 Event Calendar: June 2023: Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat : 1 . The Rossland Legion would like to welcome the community back! We are now open Thursday, Friday and Sat each week. 2nd Annual WK Alpine Lakes Fishing Survey- BC Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Step 1: Access a West Kootenay Alpine Lake Step 2: Go Fishing Step 3: Fill out our Survey:. com. Classifieds. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. NEWS. 2023 Feed A Family Fundraiser was commented on by HappyHillsFarm Thank you for supporting our. City of Rossland Emergency Water Shut Off - TODAY JUNE 6, 2023 was posted by City of Rossland. . Rossland Seamstress. com. Mondays to Saturdays Jun 1 to Jul 1 12:00 am to 12:00 pm . Condo for Rent RED MTN April-December 2023 was posted by Sarah H. Submitted by mmilan on Fri, 28/10/2022 - 5:31pm. com. Bhubble. Discover Rossland 2022 is happening Thursday Sept 22nd. (4 comments) Motocross Gear for Sale was commented on by klems bhump. Earth Day Activities in Downtown Rossland - April 22, 2023 was commented on by Ann Damude Building your first compot. Columbia Basin Culture Tour Saturday July 29 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Handpicked Rossland Events. Celebrate Canada Day at the Rossland Museum with games, food, activities, licensed area, live music, and more. Solid single wood bed was commented on by nelly Please text. Rossland Museum Regular Hours & Locals' Late Night. New YARDWORKS ELECTRIC 16” CHAINSAW - $120 was posted by S-n-T. Property is located near the entrance to RED Resort. Last chess club day! We will be doing a tournament with some fun prizes for our last day!Town: Rossland, BC » Login or register to post comments; Register or login to reply via e-mail » Report abuse, harassment or publication of personal information in this post or its comments. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 11/01 **1** This foreign born dual threat A list actor took the rare opportunity to have a night away from his at the hip wife. Mondays to Saturdays Jun 1 to Jul 1 12:00 am to 12:00 pm . Home » Classifieds. Bhubble is: an event calendar, classified ad directory, discussion forum. com. Rossland Museum Regular Hours & Locals' Late Night Wednesdays November 2 to 30 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Ballet Jörgen’s Anne of Green Gables – The Ballet® - Performing Arts Trail February 27 7:00 to 9:15 pm. Submitted by 250 on Mon, 20/02/2023 - 1:02pm. Wanted: Housing/Real Estate; Looking for a house in rossland preferably with a garage/carport or space to add a garage. com. Sunday July 30 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Home » Discussions » Looking for help with _____ » Lightspeed internet - modem / referral. Bhubble. Rossland Museum Summer Hours 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Rossland Museum Regular Hours 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Bhubble is: an event calendar, classified ad directory, discussion forum for small towns everywhere Bhubble has been designed specially for local Chambers of Commerce and. I am hoping to find a rental that fits my needs and lifestyle. The first step in this process is to have a "Bear Hazard. Best wishes and a wonderful idea for a new Rossland store. Hand Crafted Cocktails. . . Classifieds. Friday, June 2, 2023. com. Click for details. Garage Sale in Rossland this weekend. bhump. Welcome to the Trail Times | Trail News. Submitted by beebe on Thu, 27/10/2022 - 6:52am. It is designed to be fun for all, with a snack break part. All booked, thanks rossland. Casting Off by A Good Catch - Performing Arts Trail November 3 7:30 to 8:30 pm. Thanks, Alina. Bhubble. 2023 BCBHA Alpine Lake Fishing Survey. Today: Monday, July 10, 2023. Wednesday. Contact Bhubble Administration. Bhubble. Home. Come meet lots of non-profit groups and service clubs. Town: Rossland, BC » Login or register to post. Rossland, British Columbia. For Sale; WHEN: May 19-21 starting @noon WHERE: Backyard @ 2270 Elmore Ave, Rossland WHY: Partner and I are selling everything to go backpacking for 2 years. 2nd Annual WK Alpine Lakes Fishing Survey- BC Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Step 1: Access a West Kootenay Alpine Lake Step 2: Go Fishing Step 3: Fill out our Survey:. Home. . Yesterday: Wednesday, November 23, 2022. Summer Camp Registration Now Open!!! 144 0. (3 comments). Ahmed’s performances have warranted a promotion to the Canadian national men’s team. Summer reading Program ages 9-12 was posted by Rossland LibraryBhubble. Handpicked Rossland Events . The celebration starts at 11. . WHY have a mine adjacent to the Rossland Range Seven Summits Hiking/ Cycling Trail? - WHY Resources Open House May 17 and 18. 7:30 to 9:00 pm Christmas with Buzz Brass The Trail & District Arts Council opens their new classical series with Christmas with Buzz Brass on December 1. (18 comments) Saturday, February 25, 2023. . Calendar of Events April 2023: May 2023 Event Calendar. com. Discussion Categories. Hells Angels ride through B. Garage Sale in Rossland this weekend. Admission *free for locals* from 5-7 pm. Trail, BC. Home » Classifieds » Personals. Contact Bhubble Administration. com. Tear Away ski pants was commented on by gcoke Still Looking. ISO - Jr. The Museum is open year-round! Summer Hours - Daily - 10 am to 6 pm Guided tours of the Upper Level at 11 am and 3 pm daily. Community Issues - Working Together to Solve Problems. Bhubble. 5:30-7:30 at the Miners Hall. Saturday, February 25, 2023. LOCAL NEWS. Submitted by Jenn Wilson on Wed, 12/04/2023 - 1:09pm. com. com. Kids Chess Club at the Rossland Library Tuesdays Apr 4 to Jun 6 2:45 to 3:45 pm . Place them by the curb where treasure hunters can access them without disrupting traffic. Behavioral changes (lethargy or unsteady when standing or walking; hyperactivity) Bruising or bleeding (best found in areas of little or no hair. (3 comments) 1984 GMC Corsair RV was posted by tmm. Hey Viola!1/4 tsp nutmeg. Columbia Basin Culture Tour Saturday July 29 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Saturday, July 1st from 11 am to 9 pm. Other; No pre-registration or advanced tickets ; All Ages; July 28 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. . Classifieds.